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4 Home Projects That Require Little Time And Skill

By Rachel Wallace

When you’re a home lover with a penchant for redecorating and without the budget to match, you have to get a bit crafty (I’m a whizz on the spray gun).

Here are some DIY projects for you mid- to low-level DIYers that require time, not skill.

1. Tile stenciling

I’ve seen tile stencilling being utilised a lot lately. I put it down to the fact that the Moroccan design movement has made printed tiles very relevant.

The beautiful style of tiles responsible for this growing trend of stencilling.  Picture: Unsplash

Admittedly, I haven’t had a reason to attempt this myself and it possibly requires more time and patience than I have right now, but you don’t need skill or require any sort of power tool, which is a major bonus.

It’s a whole lot easier and cheaper than pulling up tiles and re-tiling and you can order your stencils without having to leave the couch (eBay or Etsy) which is my sort of shopping.

2. Upcycle a dresser

This one is actually on my to-do list. I have a large dresser/buffet sitting in my garage screaming for a makeover. I’ve never liked the washed-out colour of the timber and the handles are not at all functional.

If you have an old dresser or cabinet lying around, it might be time to give in new life with a paint job and maybe new handles as well. Picture: Unsplash

I’m going to give it a good sand back, pull out my spray gun and give it a twice over in a bold and beautiful shade of green.

After that, I’m going to do my best to replace the handles by sourcing an alternative that fits the screw holes made from the original handle so that there is no patching required.

3. Make a hat wall

I actually include this with hesitation because it’s so ridiculously simple it barely qualifies as DIY but creating a hat wall is effective and for multiple reasons.

From a simple clean arrangement to something more creative and busy, there are so many ways you can create a good hat wall. Picture: Unsplash

Hats are not easy to store. They are awkward space suckers so if you get those hats up on the wall you’re potentially addressing a storage issue and creating wall art all at once.

Be considered about the placement of your wall hooks, allowing enough space for wide brims, and source hooks that make a statement in themselves so that when you have a hat or two in use you still have a good looking wall and not just a gaping hole in your curation.

4. Create a wall hanging

I am not crafty. I can’t use a sewing machine and I have very little patience for anything fiddly, but creating a wall hanging is more simple than you think.

From beads to macrame, there are so many great options for DIY wall hangings. Picture: Unsplash

Years ago, in an interiors magazine, I saw an amazing set of very oversized rosary beads stylistically draped on a wall and I just couldn’t get it out of my head.

I couldn’t justify spending upwards of $300 on it so I made one myself with durable string, large wooden beads that I’d sourced from Etsy, and large cross also sourced online.

From there it was as simple as threading it together and hanging it on the wall. If you like you can ditch the cross and just stick to an assortment of beads.

I suggest creating a colour pattern and utilising different shapes to make it appear as though you’ve thought it through.


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