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These simple updates will let your kid’s room grow with them

By Rachel Wallace

Kids really do grow up quickly, evolving constantly as the years seemingly whizz by. But in the midst of change, one thing remains constant – their bedrooms are always an important feature in their lives.

They provide a safe space for sleep and rest, a place to play and study, and serve as an outlet to reflect their personalities.

But as kids get older, their needs and tastes change. So, how can you update a bedroom space that will adapt and change with them?

Break it up

Liberty Interiors founder and interior decorator, Nicole Rosenberg says the first step is to tap into what your child needs as they develop.

“I always break up rooms into five-year increments,” she says.

Rosenberg suggests that children up to five years old need floor space in which to play and imagine, five to 10-year-olds need a table to play on and lots of storage, while 10 to 15-year-olds require a desk and/or somewhere to study, as well as a bigger bed.

Using soft furnishings and temporary items is a good way to update their spaces. Photo: Supplied.

Decorate the walls

In addition to functionality, style is an important consideration when updating kids’ bedrooms.

Some great ways to do this are by “using soft furnishings and temporary items such as paint colour choice, wall decals [and] removable wallpaper”, Viscarde says.

“Wall paint can create dramatic changes and is a relatively simple and cost-effective job you can do on a weekend,” she says, adding: “Colour is very personal and can also affect moods depending on a child’s age.”

Another effective and affordable update is DIY peel-and-stick wallpaper.

Artworks and wallpaper are easy go-to’s for kid’s rooms. Photo: Supplied.

“It’s foolproof for a DIY-er as it can be moved very easily if you make a mistake with placement,” Rosenberg says.

In addition to paint and wallpaper, interior stylist Melanie Grace of Stagency believes that artwork is another effective way to update a bedroom.

“It does not have to be expensive,” she says. “A canvas for a child’s room is perfect. Even better, get a big frame from Ikea and frame up some of their artwork if young and hang it on the wall.

“[For] teens, hang a movie poster. Make it big and make it bold. Think about your colours in the styling and pull the colours of the artwork into the room.”

Consider the details

“From experience, it’s a tried and tested rule that your children’s tastes and passions will change like the wind,” Rosenberg says. “So, don’t spend money on items that are the flavour of the month in their room – especially ones that can’t be changed easily.”

Instead, consider updating less expensive or smaller items such as bedding, artwork, cushions, rugs and lighting – night lights, bedside lamps or even pendants can be great options.

Infuse personality

Finally, it’s important to incorporate your child’s personality in their bedroom style. Simple ways you can do this include displaying models or Lego they’ve created, creating a collage art wall or involving them in the design process.


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