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Rental Provider Resource Centre

Welcome to the Ray White Frankston rental provider resource centre.

Throughout your management with Ray White Frankston, you may need more information or have some frequently asked questions around certain aspects of your tenancy. This resource centre is designed to give you, our valed client, preliminary information about important parts of your tenancy at your fingertips.

General Information for Rental Providers

Property Compliance

What do I need at tax time?

Providing Renters with a Notice to Vacate

Rent Arrears

Selling a rental property

Maintaining your investment property


Helpful Links

Do you still have some questions that cannot be answered here? Contact your property manager:

Jessica Davidson, Head of Property Management | Direct Line: 03 8763 9522 | Email:
Eloise Sweatman, Team Leader | Direct Line: 03 8763 9521 | Email:
Laura Brockie, Senior Property Manager | Direct Line: 03 8763 9519 | Email:
Lynda Jones, Senior Property Manager| Direct Line: 03 8763 9525 | Email
Jack Limon, Senior Property Manager | Direct Line: 03 8763 9520 | Email:
Hayley Adams, Property Manager | Direct Line: 03 8763 9502 | Email: