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Welcome to your Tenancy Induction

Congratulations and thank you for choosing to rent with Ray White Frankston.

When moving into a new home, there is so much to organise and remember it can be easy to forget about the minor details that will help make your time in the property problem free and an enjoyable one.

Now, we wanted to run through how your new home will be managed by the team here at Ray White Frankston.

On the day of key collection, you will receive another email with copies of all the following information for your reference ongoing. Of course, your Property Manager will be available to answer any specific questions you may have regarding your new home. Please read through the following information carefully, your tenancy induction should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

Our office details and opening hours.

Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:30pm.

Our office is closed to the public on Saturday’s and Sunday’s.

You can contact the office at any time on 03 9781 2111.

Our office email is however we would encourage you to contact your Property Manager directly should you have any specific questions regarding your property.

We are located at 36 Playne Street, Frankston, right before the round-about.

Understanding Rental Payments.

Rent is due to be paid on or before your due date. Your due date is the monthly anniversary of the date you commenced your tenancy.

Rent can be paid by Direct Debit, BPay or Centrepay if you are eligable.

To find out more about our rental payment options, please watch the following video:

We ask that all payments are initiated or transferred a minimum of three (3) business days prior to your due date. If your rent is transferred on your due date, it may not clear through to our account on time resulting in automated rent payment reminders.

Your Condition Report.

On move in day, your Property Manager will have completed and compiled an electronic Condition Report ready for you to review and sign. At 9:00am you will receive an email through with a link to access your report.

You will have five (5) business days to review this report. It is really quite simple to complete.

Click on the link provided and review the Property Managers comments thoroughly. What we are looking for in this report is anything in the property that is deemed over and above ‘normal wear and tear’. The report should include details of any damage or excessive wear that will be used to acurately catelogue the condition of the property the day you have collected the keys.

If you have additional comments you would like to include, you will have an opportunity to do this. Please complete the text section of the report and upload accompanying photos. This will save us from having to come out and reinspect any additional items you may list on the report.

Once you are happy with the report, please click complete and a full photographic report will be emailed through to you and your Property Manager and this is the report that will be used to refund you your bond at the end of your tenancy.

Service Connections.

Upon being accepted for your new home, you would have received a phone call from our connections team at Hood. They are here to assist you with the connection of your utilities at your new property. This is a free service offered to all Ray White clients to ensure a seamless move into your new home.

It’s a convenient time saving service that allows you to focus on the heavy lifting in preperation for the big move.

For your convenience, we have already registered your details with South East Water. They will have the details of your tenancy and will forward a water usage account to you on a quarterly basis. You should expect your first account within the first three months of your tenancy.

Non Urgent Maintenance.

Your Rental Provider has up to 14 days to action all non urgent maintenance items reported to your Property Manager. It is essential that all non urgent maintenance is reported through in writing only and this can be done by email directly to your Property Manager or via your online portal. (more details to come!)

Please do not organise a tradesman directly yourself. As I am sure you can understand, a lot of Rental Providers have preferred trades who work directly on their properties. Your Rental Provider may also subscribe to RACV Home Assist Insurance which includes up to 8 call outs per year. Your Property Manager will have all of these details recorded on file and will be able to assist you in a timely manner once your maintenance is received in writing.

You will also receive a handy Troubleshooting Guide for the most commonly received maintenance items to our office. This will help you try and rectify the issue prior to reporting this through to our office.

Please also understand, a Renter cannot withhold rent to have repairs completed at a property. More information on your options around having repairs attended to is available in the “Renting a home, a Guide for Tenants” which you would have received in your initial email from our office. Another copy can be requested at anytime.

If any maintenance issue is identified as being as a result of malicious damage or misuse, your Rental Provider reserves the right to on charge any associated call out costs that may be incurred.

It is important you understand the difference between urgent and non urgent repairs. More information is available on the Consumer Affairs website for your perusal.

Urgent Maintenance.

Every now and then, something urgent may happen. Please understand the Property Management team here at Ray White Frankston are here to assist you.

If you have an urgent repair, you must contact Ray White Frankston immediately on 03 9781 2111.

The Residential Tenancies Act is very clear on defining what is and is not an urgent repair under the act. An urgent repair is a break down of any essential service such as gas, electricity and water. If you request urgent repairs your Rental Provider must respond within 24 to 48 hours upon receiving the report.

Urgent repairs are:

  • a burst hot water service
  • a blocked or broken toilet system
  • a serious roof leak
  • a gas leak
  • a dangeous electrical fault
  • flooding or serious flood damage
  • serious storm or fire damage
  • a failure or break down of any essential service or appliance provided by your Rental Provider or agent for hot water, water, cooking, heating or laundering
  • a failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply
  • a cooling appliance or service provided by the rental provider that is not working
  • if the property does not meet the minimum standards
  • a safety-related device, such as a smoke alarm or pool fence, is not working
  • any fault or damage in the premises that makes the premises unsafe or insecure, including pests, mould or damp caused or relating to the building structure
  • an appliance, fitting or fixture that is not working properly and causes a substantial amount of water to be wasted
  • a serious fault in a lift or staircase

Unfortunately, urgent repairs generally occur at the most inconvenient times! We understand having this repair attended to promptly is of the utmost importance to you. We may ask for additional information or photos to assist in arranging repairs, your assistance is greatly appreciated.

If you have an urgent repair, please email with your property address, your name, the details of your urgent repair and any accompanying photos you can provide. You will receive an automated response from our team with a list of preferred trades who will be able to assist you with repairs.

The managing agent is authorised by your Rental Provider to authorise repairs up to the value of $2,500 incl GST in the event of an urgent repair. Please do not make repair arrangements directly as mentioned earlier.

Periodic Inspections.

Periodic inspections are conducted by your Property Manager at regular intervals throughout your tenancy.

You can expect your first periodic inspection to be scheduled after the first three (3) months of your tenancy and then every six (6) months thereafter. You will be notified by email once an inspection has been scheduled for your property. We will also include a handy periodic inspection guide to help you prepare for the inspection.

Please be advised, in some cases, your Rental Provider may choose to attend some or all of these inspections. We recommend preparing the home to be looking its best and sure to impress.

We also have a Three Star Tenancy award program here at Ray White Frankston. Each month, one lucky renter is awarded the coveted title of Three Star Renter. You will receive a certificate, box of chocolates and a bottle of sparkling wine. Best of luck!

Setting up your online tenancy portal.

We wanted to make renting a property through Ray White Frankston as accessible and seamless as possible for you. We have now introduced access to your very own online tenancy portal. Please watch the following video for more benefits of utilising the online portal.

Please take the time to set up your portal, if you have not received the instructions already, please contact your Property Manager for a direct link to set this up.


When the time comes to leave us, you will be required to give a minimum of 28 days notice in writing, this can be by either email or post.

You will be required to have the property professionally steam cleaned and produce a copy of the report when returning keys to our office.

If your lease expires and you remain at the property, your lease will convert to a periodic tenancy. If you would prefer to remain on a fixed term contract, please contact your Property Manager toward the end of your agreement.

Your rubbish, your responsibility.

We are all responsible for looking after our neighbourhood and so we ask that you do your bit by disposing of unwanted goods correctly!

Frankston City Council offers a free hard rubbish collected once every year. This is generally around April/May.

Dumping of rubbish on council land or on your nature strip without a pre-arranged hard rubbish collection can result in fines from $200 through to $40,000.

Frankston City Council also offer two dial up hard rubbish collections per property per rate year. You can contact Frankston Council on 1300 322 322 at anytime to arrange a collection and the dial up service does come at a cost. The cost will depend on the goods being collected and a quote can be provided to you over the phone when you call through.

Contents Insurance.

Throughout your tenancy, your home will be insured by your Rental Provider. They cover the bricks and mortal and in instances where you live in a unit complex, the common area as well.

Unfortunately they do not insure your personal effects throughout your tenancy.

This means you should indemnify yourself by ensuring you have adequate contents insurance to cover yourself and your family in the case of flood, fire or theft.

The cost of coverage will vary depending on the dollar amount of the goods you wish to ensure. We can assist with information for Ray White Insurance, however we would also recommend you review the relevant PDS for contents insurance policies through any of the major insurers and select a policy that fits your budget and contents best.

To obtain an obligation free quote for contents insurance from Ray White Insurance, you can contact them on 1800 211 773.

Thank you.

This Renter Induction Guide has been developed to help make your tenancy easier and should be used as a reference only. The responsibility still lies with the renter (leaseholder) to ensure that you keep copies of all relevant lease documents and that they are aware of your obligations that you have signed upon with their specific Ray White Office and Property Manager.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to your lease or the property that you are leasing it is always best to contact your property manager directly.

We wish you all the very best in your new home and we look forward to working with you going forward.

To confirm you have successfully completed your Tenancy Induction and to ensure the smooth collection of keys, please complete the following form as acceptance and confirmation you have read and understood the terms of your tenancy with Ray White Frankston.

Complete Tenancy Induction confirmation