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COVID Restrictions Update

By Rachel Wallace
From 11:59pm on Tuesday 27 July, Victoria’s restrictions will begin to ease. The five reasons to leave home will no longer apply and the existing five kilometre limit will be removed. Masks remain mandatory both indoors and outdoors at all times, unless someone has a lawful exception. The same settings will apply across all of Victoria and are expected to be in place for two weeks.
Auctions are once again permitted with a maximum cap of 100 people indoors or outdoors, subject to the density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm.
Inspections are permitted to a maximum of 10 people onsite at any one time, subject to a density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm. Attendees must check-in via the Victorian Government QR code. It is essential that attendees pre-book to attend inspections.
Appraisals are now permitted. Property prices have increased dramatically with some local suburb prices increasing by up to 3.2% in the month of June alone. If you’re curious as to how much your home is worth in the current market, get in touch today on 9781 2111.
We are pleased to confirm all our suppliers are back on board and ready to assist with photography, video, floor plans and property styling.
Masks must be worn at all times when outside your home, unless an exemption applies to that person. This includes at private inspections and at auctions. (Please note the auctioneer is not required to wear their mask at the time of calling the auction).
Some great news for Victoria today and we are excited to be able to assist our customers and community.
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