Frankston Farmers Market has been revamped. Manager Aimee Helleren said the popular market had been expanded to draw new customers.“We have diversified into handmade goods, including dream catchers, artworks, aromatherapy products, handmade bags, gift cards and clothing,” she said. “The reason we diversified was we were approached by a lot of locals who produced handmade goods and wanted to be a part of the market.“After consulting Frankston Council, we decided to incorporate them. “We wanted to make the market more of a destination rather than just for foodies.” The market will still feature organic breads, gourmet meats, free range eggs, freshly picked vegetables, chutneys and fruit.
Frankston Mayor Darrel Taylor urged locals and visitors to check out the market to see what was on offer. “The farmers’ market has been successful and any measure that enlivens and brightens that part of the city is good,” he said.
Source: Frankston Standard Leader