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‘World First’ International Online Real Estate Auction

By Jessie Stewart

IN WHAT is believed to be a ‘world first’, the Ray White Group has just completed its first ever international online auction sale with their auctioneer in isolation in Brisbane, some 2288kms away from the picture perfect property in Auckland he sold.

With the vendors and buyers in lockdown in their own homes in Auckland and across New Zealand, the auctioneer in Brisbane and the tech support guru running the bidding platform in Sydney, this sale highlighted the strength of the group’s technical capabilities despite the time zones and distances.

Ray White NZ Chief Operating Officer and Auctioneer Gavin Croft flew home to Brisbane to be with his family to see out the lockdown in isolation but given the technology available he can still call weekly auctions in Auckland.

Ray White Ponsonby just sold this totally cute package with swoon-worthy curb appeal known as the White House at 52 Sussex St, Grey Lynn through a world first live online auction

Ray White Ponsonby agents Elaine Ferguson and Matt Johnson today sold the incredibly cute house at 52 Sussex St, Grey Lynn, Auckland for $1.450 million under the hammer with three registered bidders and 21 bids during the fast-paced online auction.

“Despite the lockdown in NZ there’s still deals happening especially if people had already inspected a property before the lockdown – which these did – and fell in love with it and it’s still available for sale then they still want to buy,” Mr Croft said.

“Buyers just need to have all their finance in place and we can use DocuSign for the contracts. Finance brokers are still an essential service in NZ and their work can be done electronically.

“This international live auction is testament to the work being done at Ray White and across the group in the tech space. We had Dave Newton, Ray White NSW Digital BDE in Sydney, working the tech as the bids came in. It was like a perfect triangle.”

“All three buyers were very comfortable. In fact the underbidder texted me moments after it ended and said how great the experience was, and that they like being at home and bidding online.

“Six months ago we probably would not have considered this but it also shows you how well I know Elaine Ferguson and Matt Johnson as I have been calling auctions for them for over three years and we can read each other. It was seamless despite the distance.”

Ray White Ponsonby Director Gower Buchanan said today’s auction was an extraordinary experience in  a market environment never chartered before.

“It demonstrated  the group’s commitment to assisting buyers and sellers to have confidence in transacting. Based on our vendors instructions, and the resilience of our salespeople we were able to create a framework for them to both achieve success,” Mr Buchanan said.

“We want to thank both the underbidders and the successful bidders and our owners for the trust and confidence they had in this process and in their engagement with Elaine and Matt.”

Ray White NSW Digital BDE Dave Newton working the tech deck in Sydney

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